LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completing this course, students will be able to describe major developments in the history of theatre internationally, for the end of the 19th century to 1970. At the same time, they develop the ability to identify the distinctive features and to extract conclusions about the spirit of each era under study, by comparing developments in various sectors, including theatre architecture, dramaturgy and directing. For example, they can argue about how the new dramaturgy of Ibsen and Chekhov has affected the development of directing. The ability to make comparisons extends to movements, national traditions as well as to comparing different eras. Regarding dramaturgy, through analysis of historically important plays, students develop the ability to identify their innovative features in the construction of plot and characters, as well as in aesthetic style. Moreover, they are able to evaluate differences in approach exemplified by the plays studied. To conclude, in this course students acquire knowledge of broad range which enables them to contextualize any development in the theatre history of the 20th century and to evaluate its importance comparatively.